The team



Doctor in marine biology (IUEM, Brest, 1997) and professional diver (Class 1B), Sylvain Chauvaud has been managing the consulting companies TBM environnement (2000) and SOMME (2012) since their creations. Sylvain has been leading fundamental and applied research activities for 25 years in the fields of marine, coastal and terrestrial ecology.

Delphine MATHIAS

Project Manager

Delphine studied engineering at ENSIETA (Brest) and obtained her doctorate at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography (San Diego, USA) in 2012. R&D engineer specialized in underwater acoustics, signal processing and acoustic propagation, she brings specific expertise in the monitoring of marine mammals and their environment by passive acoustics and in experimental methods (instrument deployments and protocols).


Research engineer

After completing a master’s degree in marine ecology at the European University Institute of the Sea (Brest), Elie specialized in the monitoring of the marine fauna by passive acoustics. Through his experiences through various research structures, he studied the sound production of various marine organisms including benthic invertebrates, fish, and marine mammals. Working as research engineer within the SOMME company, he brings his expertise for the implementation, processing and analysis of passive acoustic monitorings


Research engineer

Gaetan obtained a master’s degree at University Claude Bernard and ENS of Lyon, before achievieng his PhD at the Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (UMR 7372 CNRS-La Rochelle Université) and ENSTA Bretagne (Brest). His research focused on behavioural ecology of marine mammals and interactions wih human activity, through bio-logging and passive acoustic monitoring. R&D engineer at SOME, he contributes to experimental methods and data processing.


Research engineer

Romain followed a master’s degree in marine sciences at the University of Toulon, specializing in marine physics and risk assessment. Currently working as an underwater acoustics researcher, Romain is passionate about life sciences. He carries out in situ measurements, processing and ecological analysis of underwater sounds.seals at sea.


Doctoral Student

Skye completed a master’s degree in “Science for the Environment” at the University of La Rochelle, specialising in the ecology and management of mobile marine species, particularly phocids. After spending a year working with SOMME on acoustic propagation modelling, Skye is doing a CIFRE thesis, between SOMME and the Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé (CNRS/La Rochelle University), on the impact of anthropogenic noise on the behaviour of harbour seals at sea.

Viviane DAVID

Postdoctoral Researcher

Viviane is a graduate engineer from AgroParisTech, where she specialised in ecotoxicology. She did her doctorate at INERIS in individual-based modelling and ecotoxicology, with experiments in mesocosms. Her researched focused then on the effects of anthropogenic pressures on marine environments, using active acoustic methods in particular. Currently a post-doc on the EMOTIONAL project, she is working with Ifremer to understand the effects of noise pollution on bivalves at different scales of biological organisation (individual, cellular, molecular).