
Acoustic acquisition

With a wide range of recorders and hydrophones, SOMME implements sound acquisition systems adapted to the needs of the studies.

Real-time noise monitoring

These systems record the surrounding soundscape and allow to visualize the sound levels in real-time.

Marine mammals detection

Different passive acoustic monitoring systems can be deployed to monitor the frequentation of an area in marine mammals.

Acoustic sources

Acoustic sources can be used to characterize in situ sound propagation. They also allow the study of the response of marine organisms to anthropogenic noise emissions.

Acoustic release systems

These devices are used to locate and retrieve deployed equipment at sea.

Multi-parameter sondes

SOMME has a multitude of sensors to monitor different physico-chemical parameters of the environment.
  • Acquisition acoustique
  • Large gamme d’hydrophones
  • Enregistreurs autonomes
  • Bouées de mesure acoustique en temps réel
  • C-pods (détection de mammifères marins)
  • Largueurs acoustiques
  • Trépieds et bâtis anti-chalutage
  • Bouée de mesure ponctuelle
  • Sources sonores
  • Sondes multi-paramètres